
Second Republic

Figl I

From: 20/12/1945
To: 20/11/1947

Chancellor Leopold Figl ÖVP
Vice-Chancellor Adolf Schärf SPÖ
Minister of Foreign Affairs Karl Gruber ÖVP
Minister of the Interior Oskar Helmer SPÖ
Minister of Economic Planning Peter Krauland ÖVP
Minister of Finance Georg Zimmermann INDEP.
Minister of Justice Josef Gerö INDEP.
Minister of Social Administration Karl Maisel SPÖ
Minister of Education Felix Hurdes ÖVP
Minister of Agriculture and Forestry Josef Kraus ÖVP
Minsiter of Transport Vinzenz Übeleis SPÖ
Minister of Food Hans Frenzel SPÖ
Minister of Electrification and Energy Karl Altmann KPÖ
Minister of Commerce and Reconstruction Eugen Fleischacker ÖVP
Minister without Portfolio Alois Weinberger ÖVP

Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2024): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: