

From: 17/06/1925
To: 08/05/1926

Prime Minister and Economy Prosper Poullet KP
Minister of Foreign Affairs Émile Vandervelde BWP
Minister of Interior and Health Edouard Rolin Jaequemyns INDEP.
Minister of Finance Albert-Édouard Janssen INDEP.
Minister of Justice Paul Tschoffen KP
Minister of Defence Prosper Kestens INDEP.
Minister of Industry, Labour and Social Welfare Joseph Wauters BWP
Minister of Arts and Science Camille Huysmans BWP
Minister of Agriculture Aloys Van de Vyvere KP
Minister of Railways, Posts and Telegraphs Édouard Anseele BWP
Minister of Public Works Alfred Laboulle BWP
Minister of Colonies Henri Carton de Tournai KP

Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2024): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: