TV interview (Mongolia)
Interview about party funding regulation in Mongolia. Watch INTERVIEW
Interview about party funding regulation in Mongolia. Watch INTERVIEW
Presentation on "Does Money Rule Post-Soviet Party Politics? Experiences and Challenges in the Context of Post-Soviet Countries" at the Mongolian State University of Education (Ulaanbaatar).
Meeting with members of the the Social Democratic Youth (SDY) organization of Mongolia (Ulaanbaatar) and presentation on "Party Funding Regulation and Party Politics: Implications and Challenges.
Presentation on "Does Money Rule Post-Soviet Party Politics? Experiences and Challenges in the Context of Post-Soviet Countries" at the National University of Mongolia (Ulaanbaatar). View LINK
Presentation on "Party Funding Regulation in Eastern European Partnership Countries" at the Transparency International (TI) and the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) 6th Political Integrity Bootcamp 2024: Integrity of Political Finance" in Berlin.
Presentation on "Parliament and Campaign Finance Regulation: A Case-study" for the Caribbean Democratic Union (CDU) Parliamentary Governance Alumni Caucus Meeting in Belize.
Interview on the rise of populist parties in Europe. Watch INTERVIEW (from minute 28:30)
Presentation at the 6th Congress of the Polish Political Science Association (PTPN), with the participation of Paweł Laidler (Jagiellonian University, Cracow) and Piotr Sula (University of Wrocław).
Keynote speaker in the Roundtable on "Backsliding of Democracy in the World: Challenges and Solutions for Restoring Democratic Standards" at the 6th Congress of the Polish Political Science Association (PTPN) in Łódź (Poland). View ROUNDTABLE
Member of the OSCE/ODIHR delegation to examine Montenegro's law on party and campaign finance. View VIDEO (from 16:35) View VIDEO (from 07:00)