
Van Acker I (national union)

From: 12/02/1945
To: 15/06/1945

Prime Minister and Minister of Coal Achille Van Acker PSB
Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade Paul-Henri Spaak PSB
Minister of Interior Adolphe Van Glabbeke LP
Minister of Economic Affairs Albert De Smaele INDEP.
Minister of Finance Gaston Eyskens KP
Minister of Justice Charles du Bus de Warnaffe KP
Minsiter of Defence Léon Mundeleer LP
Minister of Labour and Social Welfare Léon-Éli Troclet PSB
Minister of Public Education Auguste Buisseret LP
Minsiter of Public Health Albert Marteaux KPB
Minister of Agriculture Louis Delvaux KP
Minister of Information Edmond Ronse KP
Minister of Communications Ernest Rongvaux PSB
Minister of Public Works Herman Vos PSB
Minister of Colonies Edgard De Bruyne KP
Minister of War Victims Henri Pauwels INDEP.
Minister of Provisioning Edgard Lalmand KPB
Minister without Portfolio Paul Kronacker LP

Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2024): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: