United Kingdom

MacDonald II

From: 07/06/1929
To: 24/08/1931

Prime Minister and First Lord of the Treasury James Ramsay MacDonald LAB.
Lord Chancellor John Sankey LAB.
Lord President of the Council Charles Alfred Cripps LAB.
Lord Privy Seal James Henry Thomas LAB.
Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs Arthur Henderson LAB.
Secretary of State for the Home Department John Robert Clynes LAB.
Chancellor of the Exchequer and Second Lord of the Treasury Philip Snowden LAB.
Secretary of State for War Thomas Shaw LAB.
First Lord of the Admiralty Albert Victor Alexander LAB.
Secretary of State for Air Christopher Bridwood Thomson LAB.
Minister of Labour Margaret Grace Bondfield LAB.
President of the Board of Education Charles Philips Trevelyan LAB.
Minister of Health Arthur Greenwood LAB.
Minister of Agriculture Noel Edward Noel-Buxton LAB.
President of the Board of Trade William Graham LAB.
Secretary for Scotland William Adamson LAB.
Secretary of State for India William Wedgwood Benn LAB.
Secretary of State for the Colonies and Dominion Affairs Sidney James Webb LAB.
First Commissioner of Works George Lansbury LAB.

Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: whogoverns.eu