United Kingdom
MacDonald II
Prime Minister and First Lord of the Treasury | James Ramsay MacDonald | LAB. |
Lord Chancellor | John Sankey | LAB. |
Lord President of the Council | Charles Alfred Cripps | LAB. |
Lord Privy Seal | James Henry Thomas | LAB. |
Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs | Arthur Henderson | LAB. |
Secretary of State for the Home Department | John Robert Clynes | LAB. |
Chancellor of the Exchequer and Second Lord of the Treasury | Philip Snowden | LAB. |
Secretary of State for War | Thomas Shaw | LAB. |
First Lord of the Admiralty | Albert Victor Alexander | LAB. |
Secretary of State for Air | Christopher Bridwood Thomson | LAB. |
Minister of Labour | Margaret Grace Bondfield | LAB. |
President of the Board of Education | Charles Philips Trevelyan | LAB. |
Minister of Health | Arthur Greenwood | LAB. |
Minister of Agriculture | Noel Edward Noel-Buxton | LAB. |
President of the Board of Trade | William Graham | LAB. |
Secretary for Scotland | William Adamson | LAB. |
Secretary of State for India | William Wedgwood Benn | LAB. |
Secretary of State for the Colonies and Dominion Affairs | Sidney James Webb | LAB. |
First Commissioner of Works | George Lansbury | LAB. |
Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: whogoverns.eu