North Macedonia
Zaev VI
Prime Minister | Zoran Zaev | SDSM |
First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Political System and Inter-Ethnic Relations | Artan Grubi | DUI |
Deputy Prime Minister | Ljupčo Nikolovski | SDSM |
Deputy Prime Minister | Fatmir Bitiqi | SDSM |
Deputy Prime Minister | Nikola Dimitrov | SDSM |
Minister of Foreign Affairs | Bujar Osmani | DUI |
Minister of Internal Affairs | Oliver Spasovski | SDSM |
Minister of Economy | Kreshnik Bekteshi | DUI |
Minister of Finance | Fatmir Besimi | DUI |
Minister of Justice | Bojan Maričik | SDSM |
Minister of Defence | Radmila Šekerinska Jankovska | SDSM |
Minister of Labour and Social Welfare | Jagoda Shahpaska | SDSM |
Minister of Education and Science | Mila Tsarovska | SDSM |
Minister of Health | Venko Filipče | SDSM |
Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Water | Arianit Hoxha | BESA |
Minister of Culture | Irena Stefoska | SDSM |
Minister of Transport and Communications | Blagoj Bočvasrki | SDSM |
Minister of Environment and Physical Planning | Naser Nuredini | DUI |
Minister of Information Society and Administration | Jeton Shaqiri | DUI |
Minister of Local Self-Government | Goran Milevski | LDP |
Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: