
Fourth Republic

Schuman I

From: 24/11/1947
To: 19/07/1948

Prime Minister Robert Schuman MRP
Minister of Foreign Affairs Georges Bidault MRP
Minister of Interior Jules Moch SFIO
Minister of Finance and Economic Affairs René Mayer PRS
Minister of Justice André Marie PRS
Minister of the Armed Forces Pierre-Henri Teitgen MRP
Minister of Labour and Social Welfare Daniel Mayer SFIO
Minister of National Education Marcel-Edmond Naegelen SFIO
Minister of Public Health and Population Germaine Poinso-Chapuis MRP
Minister of Agriculture Pierre Pflimlin MRP
Minister of Public Works and Transport Christian Pineau SFIO
Minister of Industry and Trade Robert Lacoste SFIO
Minister of Reconstruction and Urbanism René Coty RI
Minister of French Overseas Paul Coste-Floret MRP
Minister of Veterans and War Victims François Mitterrand UDSR

Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: