Fourth Republic
Schuman I
Prime Minister | Robert Schuman | MRP |
Minister of Foreign Affairs | Georges Bidault | MRP |
Minister of Interior | Jules Moch | SFIO |
Minister of Finance and Economic Affairs | René Mayer | PRS |
Minister of Justice | André Marie | PRS |
Minister of the Armed Forces | Pierre-Henri Teitgen | MRP |
Minister of Labour and Social Welfare | Daniel Mayer | SFIO |
Minister of National Education | Marcel-Edmond Naegelen | SFIO |
Minister of Public Health and Population | Germaine Poinso-Chapuis | MRP |
Minister of Agriculture | Pierre Pflimlin | MRP |
Minister of Public Works and Transport | Christian Pineau | SFIO |
Minister of Industry and Trade | Robert Lacoste | SFIO |
Minister of Reconstruction and Urbanism | René Coty | RI |
Minister of French Overseas | Paul Coste-Floret | MRP |
Minister of Veterans and War Victims | François Mitterrand | UDSR |
Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: