Fifth Republic
Couve de Murville
Prime Minister | Maurice Couve de Murville | UDR |
Minister of State | Jean-Marcel Jeanneney | UDR |
Minister of State and Minister of Social Affairs | Maurice Schumann | UDR |
Minister of State and Minister of Cultural Affairs | André Malraux | UDR |
Minister of State and Minister of Relations with the Parliament | Roger Frey | UDR |
Minister of Foreign Affairs | Michel Debré | UDR |
Minister of Interior | Raymond Marcellin | FNRI |
Minister of Economy and Finance | François-Xavier Ortoli | UDR |
Minister of Justice | René Capitant | UDR |
Minister of the Army | Pierre Messmer | UDR |
Minister of National Education | Edgar Faure | UDR |
Delegate Minister of Scientific Research and Space and Atomic Issues | Robert Galley | UDR |
Minister of Agriculture | Robert Boulin | UDR |
Minister of Transports | Jean Chamant | FNRI |
Minister of Industry | André Bettencourt | FNRI |
Minister of Infrastructure and Housing | Albin Chalandon | UDR |
Minister of Posts and Telecommunications | Yves Guéna | UDR |
Delegate Minister of the Planning and Land Use | Olivier Guichard | UDR |
Minister of Veterans and War Victims | Henri Duvillard | UDR |
Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: