
Third Republic

Painlevé II

From: 17/04/1925
To: 27/10/1925

Prime Minister and Minister of War Paul Painlevé RS
Minister of Foreign Affairs Aristide Briand RS
Minister of Interior Abraham Schrameck PRRRS
Minister of Finance Joseph Caillaux PRRRS
Minister of Justice Théodore Steeg PRRRS
Minister of Marine Émile Borel PRRRS
Minister of Labour, Health, Assistance and Social Welfare Antoine Durafour PRRRS
Minister of Public Instruction and Fine Arts Anatole de Monzie RS
Minister of Agriculture Jean Durand PRRRS
Minister of Trade and Industry Charles Chaumet RI
Minister of Public Works Pierre Laval INDEP.
Minister of Colonies André Hesse PRRRS
Minister of Pensions Louis Antériou RS

Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: