
Second Republic

Barrot II

From: 02/06/1849
To: 30/10/1849

Prime Minister and Minister of Justice Hyacinthe Camille Odilon Barrot PDO
Minister of Foreign Affairs Alexis-Henri-Charles Clérel PDO
Minister of Interior Jules Armand Stanislas Dufaure INDEP.
Minister of Finance Hippolyte Philibert Passy PDO
Minister of War Joseph Marcellin Rullière PDO
Minister of Public Instruction and Cults Frederic Alfred Pierre de Falloux du Coudray PDO
Minister of Agriculture and Trade Victor Ambroise Lanjuinais PDO
Minister of Public Works Bertrand Théobald Joseph de Lacrosse INDEP.
Minister of the Sea and Colonies Alexandre-Cesar-Charles-Victor Destutt PDO

Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2024): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: