
Third Republic


From: 22/06/1899
To: 11/05/1902

Prime Minister and Minister of Interior and Cults Pierre Waldeck-Rousseau RP
Minister of Foreign Affairs Théophile Delcassé RP
Minister of Finance Joseph Caillaux RP
Minister of Justice Ernest Monis R
Minister of War Gaston de Galliffet INDEP.
Minister of Marine Juen-Marie Lanessan RP
Minister of Public Instruction and Fine Arts Georges Leygues RP
Minister of Agriculture Jean Dupuy RP
Minister of Trade, Industry, Posts and Telegraphs Alexandre Millerand S
Minister of Public Works Pierre Baudin RS
Minister of Colonies Albert Decrais RP

Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: