Republic of Turkey (post-1980 coup)
Ciller II
Prime Minister | Tansu Çiller | DYP |
Minister of State | Necmettin Cevheri | DYP |
Minister of State | Cavit Çağlar | DYP |
Minister of State | Ali Münif İslamoğlu | DYP |
Minister of State | Abdullah Aykon Doğan | DYP |
Minister of State | Esat Kıratlıoğlu | DYP |
Minister of State | Refaiddin Şahin | DYP |
Minister of State | Ayvaz Gökdemir | DYP |
Minister of State | Ömer Barutçu | DYP |
Minister of State | Mehmet Batallı | DYP |
Minister of State | Abdul Baki Tuğ | DYP |
Minister of State | Işılay Saygın | DYP |
Minister of State | Mehmet Selim Ensarioğlu | DYP |
Minister of Foreign Affairs | Ali Coşkun Kırca | DYP |
Minister of the Interior | Nahit Menteşe | DYP |
Minister of Finance | İsmet Attila | DYP |
Minister of Justice | Bekir Sami Daçe | DYP |
Minister of National Defence | Vefa Tanır | DYP |
Minister of Labour and Social Security | Mustafa Ateş Amiklioğlu | DYP |
Minister of National Education | Turhan Tayan | DYP |
Minister of Health | Doğan Baran | DYP |
Minister of Agriculture and Rural Affairs | Nafiz Kurt | DYP |
Minister of Culture | Köksal Toptan | DYP |
Minister of Transport | Ali Şevki Erek | DYP |
Minister of Industry and Trade | Abdülbaki Ataç | DYP |
Minister of Environment | Ahmet Hamdi Üçpınarlar | DYP |
Minister of Public Works and Housing | Tunç Bilget | DYP |
Minister of Energy and Natural Resources | Şinasi Altıner | DYP |
Minister of Tourism | Bilal Güngör | DYP |
Minister of Forestry | Hasan Ekinci | DYP |
Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: whogoverns.eu