
Republic of Turkey (post-1980 coup)


From: 18/11/2002
To: 13/03/2003

Prime Minister Abdullah Gül AKP
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of State Abdüllatif Şener AKP
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of State Mehmet Ali Şahin AKP
Deputy Prime Ministe and Minister of State Ertuğrul Yalçinbayir AKP
Minister of State Mehmet Aydin AKP
Minister of State Beşir Atalay AKP
Minister of State Ali Babacan AKP
Minister of State Kürşat Tüzmen AKP
Minister of Foreign Affairs Yaşar Yakiş AKP
Minister of the Interior Abdülkadir Aksu AKP
Minister of Finance Kemal Unakitan AKP
Minister of Justice Cemil Çiçek AKP
Minister of National Defence Vecdi Gönül AKP
Minister of Labour and Social Security Murat Başesgloğlu AKP
Minister of National Education Erkan Mumcu AKP
Minister of Health Recep Akdağ AKP
Minister of Agriculture and Rural Affairs Sami Güçlü AKP
Minister of Culture Hüseyin Çelik AKP
Minister of Transport Binali Yıldırım AKP
Minister of Industry and Trade Ali Coşkun AKP
Minister of Environment Imdat Sütlüoğlu AKP
Minister of Public Works and Housing Zeki Ergezen AKP
Minister of Energy and Natural Resources Hilmi Güler AKP
Minister of Tourism Güldal Akşit AKP
Minister of Forestry Osman Pepe AKP

Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: whogoverns.eu