Republic of Turkey (post-1980 coup)
Erdoğan I
Prime Minister | Recep Tayyip Erdoğan | AKP |
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affair | Abdullah Gül | AKP |
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of State | Abdüllatif Şener | AKP |
Deputy Prime Ministe and Minister of State | Mehmet Ali Şahin | AKP |
Minister of State | Beşir Atalay | AKP |
Minister of State | Ali Babacan | AKP |
Minister of State | Mehmet Aydın | AKP |
Minister of the Interior | Abdülkadir Aksu | AKP |
Minister of Finance | Kemal Unakıtan | AKP |
Minister of Justice | Cemil Çiçek | AKP |
Minister of National Defence | Vecdi Gönül | AKP |
Minister of Labour and Social Security | Murat Başesgioğlu | AKP |
Minister of National Education | Hüseyin Çelik | AKP |
Minister of Health | Recep Akdağ | AKP |
Minister of Agriculture and Rural Affairs | Sami Güçlü | AKP |
Minister of Culture | Erkan Mumcu | AKP |
Minister of Transport | Binali Yıldırım | AKP |
Minister of Industry and Trade | Ali Coşkun | AKP |
Minister of Environment | Kürşat Tüzmen | AKP |
Minister of Public Works and Housing | Zeki Ergezen | AKP |
Minister of Energy and Natural Resources | Hilmi Güler | AKP |
Minister of Tourism | Güldal Akşit | AKP |
Minister of Forestry | Osman Pepe | AKP |
Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: whogoverns.eu