(L.) Cosgrave
Taoiseach | Liam Cosgrave | FG |
Minister of Foreign Affairs | Garret FitzGerald | FG |
Minister of Finance and Public Service | Richie Ryan | FG |
Minister of Justice | Patrick Cooney | FG |
Minister of Defence | Paddy Donegan | FG |
Minister of Labour | Michael O´Leary | LAB |
Minister of Education | Richard Burke | FG |
Minister of Health and Social Welfare | Brendan Corish | LAB |
Minister of Agriculture | Mark Clinton | FG |
Minister of Lands | Tom Fitzpatrick | FG |
Minister of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht | Tom O´Donnell | FG |
Minister of Transport and Power | Peter Barry | FG |
Minister of Industry and Commerce | Justin Keating | LAB |
Minister of Posts and Telegraphs | Conor Cruise O´Brien | LAB |
Minister of Local Government | James Tully | LAB |
Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: