
Yanukovych II

From: 11/01/2004
To: 04/03/2004

Prime Minister Victor Yanukovych PR
Deputy Prime Minister Andriyj Klyuvev PR
Deputy Prime Minister Ivan Kyrylenko APU
Deputy Prime Minister Dmytro Tabachnyk TU
Minister of Foreign Affairs Kostantyn Gryshchenko INDEP.
Minister of Internal Affairs Mykola Bilokon INDEP.
Minister of Economy and European Integration Mykola Derkach INDEP.
Minister of Finance Mykola Azarov PR
Minister of Justice Oleksander Lavrynovych INDEP.
Minister of Defence Yevhen Marchuk INDEP.
Minister of Labour and Social Policy Mykhailo Papiev SDPU (O)
Minister of Education and Science Vasyl Kremen SDPU (O)
Minister of Health Andriy Pidaev N
Minister of Agrarian Policy Viktor Saluta APU
Minister of Culture and Arts Yury Bohutsky NDP
Minister of Transport Georgiy Kirpa INDEP.
Minister of Industrial Policy Oleksander Neustroyev TU
Minister of Environment and Natural Resources Serhij Polyakov NDP
Minister of Fuel and Energy Serhiy Yermilov DI
Minister of Emergency Situations Grygoriy Reva N
Minister of Relations with the Verkhovna Rada Ivan Tkalenko PR
Minister of the Cabinet of Ministers Anatolij Tolstoukhov NDP

Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: