Yanukovych III
Prime Minister | Victor Yanukovych | PR |
Deputy Prime Minister | Andriyj Klyuvev | PR |
Deputy Prime Minister | Ivan Kyrylenko | APU |
Deputy Prime Minister | Dmytro Tabachnyk | TU |
Minister of Foreign Affairs | Kostantyn Gryshchenko | INDEP. |
Minister of Internal Affairs | Mykola Bilokon | INDEP. |
Minister of Economy and European Integration | Mykola Derkach | INDEP. |
Minister of Finance | Mykola Azarov | PR |
Minister of Justice | Oleksander Lavrynovych | INDEP. |
Minister of Defence | Yevhen Marchuk | INDEP. |
Minister of Labour and Social Policy | Mykhailo Papiev | SDPU (O) |
Minister of Education and Science | Vasyl Kremen | SDPU (O) |
Minister of Health | Andriy Pidaev | N |
Minister of Agrarian Policy | Viktor Saluta | APU |
Minister of Culture and Arts | Yury Bohutsky | NDP |
Minister of Transport | Georgiy Kirpa | INDEP. |
Minister of Industrial Policy | Oleksander Neustroyev | TU |
Minister of Environment and Natural Resources | Serhij Polyakov | NDP |
Minister of Fuel and Energy | Serhiy Tulub | INDEP. |
Minister of Family, Children and Youth Affairs | Valentina Dovzhenko | INDEP. |
Minister of Emergency Situations | Grygoriy Reva | N |
Minister of Relations with the Verkhovna Rada | Ivan Tkalenko | PR |
Minister of the Cabinet of Ministers | Anatolij Tolstoukhov | NDP |
Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: