Prime minister | Viačasłaŭ Kiebič | INDEP. |
First Deputy Prime Minister | Michaił Miasnikovič | INDEP. |
Deputy Prime Minister | Uładzisłaŭ Piluta | INDEP. |
Deputy Prime Minister | Stanisłaŭ Bryl | INDEP. |
Deputy Prime Minister | Michaił Dziamčuk | INDEP. |
Deputy Prime Minister | Ivan Kienik | INDEP. |
Deputy Prime Minister | Uładzimir Załamaj | INDEP. |
Deputy Prime Minister | Mikałaj Koscikaŭ | INDEP. |
Deputy Prime Minister | Siarhiej Linh | INDEP. |
Minister of Foreign Affairs | Piotr Kraŭčanka | INDEP. |
Minister of Finance | Sciapan Jančuk | INDEP. |
Minister of Justice | Leanid Dašuk | INDEP. |
Minister of Health Care | Vasil Kazakoŭ | INDEP. |
Minister of Social Care | Tamara Krutaŭcova | INDEP. |
Minister of Agriculture and Food | Fiodar Miračycki | INDEP. |
Minister of Culture | Jaŭhien Vajtovič | INDEP. |
Minister of Transport | Uładzimir Barodzič | INDEP. |
Minister of Light Industry | Mikałaj Huleŭ | INDEP. |
Minister of Construction Materials Industry | Anatol Majsiejevič | INDEP. |
Minister of Forestry | Hieorhij Markoŭski | INDEP. |
Minister of Communication | Ivan Hrycuk | INDEP. |
Minister of Construction | Mikałaj Navicki | INDEP. |
Minister of Construction and Roads | Stanisłaŭ Jacuta | INDEP. |
Minister of Instalation and Construction Works | Iosif Antanovič | INDEP. |
Minister of Water Resourses and Lands Recovery | Adam Basiukievič | INDEP. |
Minister of Bread Products | Mikałaj Jakušaŭ | INDEP. |
Minister of Communal Service | Barys Batura | INDEP. |
Minister without Portfolio | Uładzimir Šepiel | INDEP. |
Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: