
Kingdom of Spain (Restoration)

Sánchez Guerra I

From: 08/03/1922
To: 31/03/1922

Prime Minister José Sánchez Guerra y Martínez PLC
Minister of Foreign Affairs Joaquín Fernández Prida CI
Minister of Interior Vicente Piniés y Bayona PLC
Minister of Finance Francisco Bergamín y García PLC
Minister of Justice Josep Bertrán y Musitu LR
Minister of War José Olaguer-Feliú y Ramírez INDEP.
Minister of Marine Mariano Ordóñez y García PLC
Minister of Labour, Trade and Industry Abilio Calderón y Rojo PLC
Minister of Public Instruction and Fine Arts César Silió y Cortés CM
Minister of Public Works Manuel Agüelles y Argüelles PLC

Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: