
Second Republic

Casares Quiroga

From: 13/05/1936
To: 18/07/1936

Prime Minister and Minister of War Santiago Casares Quiroga IR
Minister of State Augusto Barcía Trelles IR
Minister of Interior Juan Moles Ormella INDEP.
Minister of Finance Enrique Ramos y Ramos IR
Minister of Justice Manuel Blasco Garzón UR
Minister of Marine José Giral Pereira IR
Minister of Health, Labour and Social Welfare Juan Lluhí Vallesca ERC
Minister of Public Instruction and Fine Arts Francisco José Barnes Salinas IR
Minister of Agriculture Mariano Ruíz-Funes García IR
Minister of Communications and Merchant Marine Bernardo Giner de los Ríos García UR
Minister of Industry and Trade Plácido Álvarez-Buylla y Lozana INDEP.
Minister of Public Works Antonio Velao Oñate IR

Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: