The Netherlands

Drees I

From: 07/08/1948
To: 15/10/1950

Prime Minister and Minister of General Affairs Willem Drees PVDA
Minister of Foreign Affairs Dirk U. Stikker VVD
Minister of Internal Affairs Johannes Henricus van Maarseveen KVP
Minister of Economic Affairs J.R.M. van Brink KVP
Minister of Finance Piet Lieftinck PVDA
Minister of Justice Th.R.J. Wijers KVP
Minister of War Willem Frederik Shokking CHU
Minister of Social Affairs A.M. Joekes PVDA
Minister of Education, Arts and Sciences F.J.Th. Rutten KVP
Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Sicco L. Mansholt PVDA
Minister of Transport Joseph R.H. van Schaik KVP
Minister of Reconstruction and Housing J. in ´t Veld PVDA
Minister of Overseas Territories E.M.J.A Sassen KVP
Minister without Portfolio L. Götzen INDEP.

Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: