The Netherlands
Drees III
Prime Minister and Minister of General Affairs | Willem Drees | PVDA |
Minister of Foreign Affairs | Dirk U. Stikker | VVD |
Minister of Internal Affairs | Johannes Henricus van Maarseveen | KVP |
Minister of Economic Affairs | J.R.M. van Brink | KVP |
Minister of Finance | Piet Lieftinck | PVDA |
Minister of Justice | H. Mulderije | CHU |
Minister of War and Marine | C. Staf | CHU |
Minister of Social Affairs | A.M. Joekes | PVDA |
Minister of Education, Arts and Sciences | F.J.Th. Rutten | KVP |
Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food | Sicco L. Mansholt | PVDA |
Minister of Transport | H.H. Wemmers | CHU |
Minister of Reconstruction and Housing | J. in ´t Veld | PVDA |
Minister without Portfolio | F.G.C.J.M. Teulings | KVP |
Minister without Portfolio | A.H.M. Albregts | KVP |
Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: