The Netherlands
van Agt II
Prime Minister and Minister of General Affairs | A.A.M. van Agt | CDA |
Minister of Foreign Affairs | Max van der Stoel | PVDA |
Minister of Internal Affairs | Ed van Thijn | PVDA |
Minister of Economic Affairs | Jan C. Terlow | D66 |
Minister of Finance | A.P.J.M.M. van der Stee | CDA |
Minister of Justice | Job de Ruiter | CDA |
Minister of Defence | Hans A.F.M.O. van Mierlo | D66 |
Minister of Social Affairs and Enployment | Joop M. den Uyl | PVDA |
Minister of Education and Sciences | Jos A. van Kemenade | PVDA |
Minister of Health and Environment | M.H.M.F.Gardeniers-Berendsen | CDA |
Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries | Jan de Koning | CDA |
Minister of Culture, Recreation and Social Services | André A. van der Louw | PVDA |
Minister of Transport | Henk J. Zeevalking | D66 |
Minister of Reconstruction and Housing | Marcel P.A. van Dam | PVDA |
Minister of Development | C.P. van Dijk | CDA |
Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: