The Netherlands

van Agt II

From: 11/09/1981
To: 13/05/1982

Prime Minister and Minister of General Affairs A.A.M. van Agt CDA
Minister of Foreign Affairs Max van der Stoel PVDA
Minister of Internal Affairs Ed van Thijn PVDA
Minister of Economic Affairs Jan C. Terlow D66
Minister of Finance A.P.J.M.M. van der Stee CDA
Minister of Justice Job de Ruiter CDA
Minister of Defence Hans A.F.M.O. van Mierlo D66
Minister of Social Affairs and Enployment Joop M. den Uyl PVDA
Minister of Education and Sciences Jos A. van Kemenade PVDA
Minister of Health and Environment M.H.M.F.Gardeniers-Berendsen CDA
Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries Jan de Koning CDA
Minister of Culture, Recreation and Social Services André A. van der Louw PVDA
Minister of Transport Henk J. Zeevalking D66
Minister of Reconstruction and Housing Marcel P.A. van Dam PVDA
Minister of Development C.P. van Dijk CDA

Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: