The Netherlands

Lubbers I

From: 04/11/1982
To: 21/05/1986

Prime Minister and Minister of General Affairs Ruud F.M. Lubbers CDA
Minister of Foreign Affairs Hans van den Broek CDA
Minister of Internal Affairs J.G. Rietkerk VVD
Minister of Economic Affairs Gijs M.V. van Aardenne VVD
Minister of Finance H. Onno C.R. Ruding CDA
Minister of Justice Frits Korthals Altes VVD
Minister of Defence Job de Ruiter CDA
Minister of Social Affairs and Employment Jan de Koning CDA
Minister of Education and Sciences Wim J. Deetman CDA
Minister of Welfare, Health and Culture L.C. Brinkman CDA
Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries Gerrit J.M. Braks CDA
Minister of Transport and Water Neelie Smit-Kroes VVD
Minister of Housing, Spatial Planning and Environment Pieter Winsemius VVD
Minister of Development Eegje M. Schoo VVD

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