The Netherlands
Lubbers III
Prime Minister and Minister of General Affairs | Ruud Lubbers | CDA |
Minister of Foreign Affairs | Hans van den Broek | CDA |
Minister of Internal Affairs | Ien Dales | PVDA |
Minister of Economic Affairs | Koos Andriessen | CDA |
Minister of Finance | Wim Kok | PVDA |
Minister of Justice and Kingdom Relations | Erns Hirsch Ballin | CDA |
Minister of Defence | Relus ter Beek | PVDA |
Minister of Social Affairs and Work Opportunity | Bert de Vries | CDA |
Minister of Education and Sciences | Jo Ritzen | PVDA |
Minister of Welfare, Health and Culture | Hedy d´Ancona | PVDA |
Minister of Agriculture, Nature Management and Fishery | Gerrit Braks | CDA |
Minister of Transport and Water | Hanja Maij-Weggen | CDA |
Minister of Housing, Spatial Planning and Environment | Hans Alders | PVDA |
Minsiter of Development Cooperation | Jan Pronk | PVDA |
Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: