The Netherlands

Lubbers III

From: 07/11/1989
To: 03/05/1994

Prime Minister and Minister of General Affairs Ruud Lubbers CDA
Minister of Foreign Affairs Hans van den Broek CDA
Minister of Internal Affairs Ien Dales PVDA
Minister of Economic Affairs Koos Andriessen CDA
Minister of Finance Wim Kok PVDA
Minister of Justice and Kingdom Relations Erns Hirsch Ballin CDA
Minister of Defence Relus ter Beek PVDA
Minister of Social Affairs and Work Opportunity Bert de Vries CDA
Minister of Education and Sciences Jo Ritzen PVDA
Minister of Welfare, Health and Culture Hedy d´Ancona PVDA
Minister of Agriculture, Nature Management and Fishery Gerrit Braks CDA
Minister of Transport and Water Hanja Maij-Weggen CDA
Minister of Housing, Spatial Planning and Environment Hans Alders PVDA
Minsiter of Development Cooperation Jan Pronk PVDA

Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: