Prime Minister | Viktor Hristenko | INDEP. |
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance | Aleksei Kudrin | INDEP. |
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Agriculture and Food Production | Aleksei Gordeyev | YR |
Minister of Foreign Affairs | Igor Ivanov | INDEP. |
Minister of Justice | Jury Tjajka | INDEP. |
Minister of Defence | Sergei Ivanov | INDEP. |
Minister of Labour and Social Development | Aleksandr Potjinch | INDEP. |
Minister of Education and Vocational Training | Vladimir Filippov | INDEP. |
Minister of Health | Jury Shevchenko | INDEP. |
Minister of Culture | Mikhail Shvydkoj | INDEP. |
Minister of State Property | Farid Gazizullin | INDEP. |
Minister of Transport | Sergej Frank | INDEP. |
Minister of Railways | Vadim Morozov | INDEP. |
Minister of Trade and Economic Development | German Gref | INDEP. |
Minister of Natural Resources | Vitaly Artykhov | INDEP. |
Minister of Communications, Information and Technology | Leonid Reiman | INDEP. |
Minister of Press, Television and Radio Broadcasting | Mikhail Lesin | INDEP. |
Minister of Federation and Nationalities Policy | Vladimir Zorin | YR |
Minister of Fuel and Energy | Igor Yusufov | INDEP. |
Minister of Atomic Energy | Alexandr Rumjantsev | INDEP. |
Minister of Civil Defence and Emergencies | Sergei Shoigu | YR |
Minister of Taxes and Levies | Gennadi Bukajev | INDEP. |
Minister of Anti-Monopoly Policy | Ilja Juzjanov | INDEP. |
Minister-Chief of Staff of the Government | Konstantin Merzlikin | INDEP. |
Minister withour Portfolio | Stanislav Iljasov | INDEP. |
Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: