
Mintoff III

From: 20/12/1981
To: 22/12/1984

Prime Minister Dom Mintoff PL
Minister of Foreign Affairs and Culture Alex Sciberras Trigona PL
Minister of Home Affairs and Sports Lorry Sant PL
Minister of Economic Development Wistin Abela PL
Minister of Finance Lino Spiteri PL
Minister of Justice and Parliamentary Affairs Guze' Cassar PL
Minister of Labour, Employment and Social Services Danny Cremona PL
Minister of Education Philip Muscat PL
Minister of Health and Environment Vicent Moran PL
Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries Freddie Miscallef PL
Minister of Industry Joseph Grima PL
Minister of Public Works Karmenu Vella PL
Minister of Tourism Reno Calleja PL
Minister of Parastatal Investments Patrick Holland PL

Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2024): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: