
Fourth Republic

Pleven III

From: 21/11/1951
To: 07/01/1952

Prime Minister René Pleven UDSR
Vice-prime Minister and Minister of National Defence Georges Bidault MRP
Minister of State Henri Queuille PRS
Minister of State Joseph Laniel CNIP
Minister of State Jean Letourneau MRP
Minister of Foreign Affairs Robert Schuman MRP
Minister of Interior Charles Brune PRS
Minister of Finance and Economic Affairs René Mayer PRS
Minister of the Budget Pierre Courant CNIP
Minister of Justice Edgar Faure PRS
Minister of Labour and Social Security Paul Bacon MRP
Minister of National Education André Marie PRS
Minister of Public Health and Populations Paul Ribeyre CNIP
Minister of Agriculture Camille Laurens CNIP
Minister of Public Works, Transport and Tourism Antoine Pinay CNIP
Minister of Industry and Energy Jean-Marie Louvel MRP
Minsiter of Trade and Foreign Economic Relations Pierre Pflimlin MRP
Minister of Information Robert Buron MRP
Minister of Posts, Telegraphs and Telephones Roger Duchet CNIP
Minister of Reconstruction and Urbanism Eugène Claudius-Petit UDSR
Minister of French Overseas Louis Jacquinot CNIP
Minister of Merchant Marine André Morice PRS
Minister of Veterans and War Victims Emmanuel Temple CNIP
Adjunt Minister of National Defence Maurice Bourgès-Maunoury PRS

Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: