Fourth Republic
Prime Minister and Minister of Finance and Economic Affairs | Antoine Pinay | CNIP |
Vice-prime Minister and Minister of State | Henri Queuille | PRS |
Minister of State | Jean Letourneau | MRP |
Minister of Foreign Affairs | Robert Schuman | MRP |
Minister of Interior | Charles Brune | PRS |
Minister of Justice | Léon Martinaud-Déplat | PRS |
Minister of National Defence | René Pleven | UDSR |
Minister of Labour and Social Security | Pierre Garet | CNIP |
Minister of National Education | André Marie | PRS |
Minister of Public Health and Populations | Paul Ribeyre | CNIP |
Minister of Agriculture | Camille Laurens | CNIP |
Minister of Public Works, Transport and Tourism | André Morice | PRS |
Minister of Industry and Trade | Jean-Marie Louvel | MRP |
Minister of Posts, Telegraphs and Telephones | Roger Duchet | CNIP |
Minister of Reconstruction and Urbanism | Eugène Claudius-Petit | UDSR |
Minister of French Overseas | Pierre Pflimlin | MRP |
Minister of Veterans and War Victims | Emmanuel Temple | CNIP |
Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: