
Fourth Republic


From: 06/11/1957
To: 15/04/1958

Prime Minister Félix Gaillard PRS
Minister of Foreign Affairs Christian Pineau SFIO
Minister of Interior Maurice Bourgès-Maunoury PRS
Minister of Finance, Economic Affairs and Plan Pierre Pflimlin MRP
Minister of Justice Robert Lecourt MRP
Minister of National Defence and Armed Forces Jacques-Chaban Delmas CNRS
Minister of Labour and Social Security Paul Bacon MRP
Minister of National Education, Youth and Sports René Billières PRS
Minister of Public Health and Population Fèlix Houphouët-Boigny RDA
Minister of Agriculture Roland Boscary-Monsservin CNIP
Minister of Public Works, Transport and Tourism Édouard Bonnefous UDSR
Minister of Industry and Trade Paul Ribeyre CNIP
Minister of Reconstruction and Housing Pierre Garet CNIP
Minister of French Overseas Gérard Jaquet SFIO
Minister of Veterans and War Victims Antoine Quinson RGR
Minister of Algerie Robert Lacoste SFIO
Minister of the Sahara Max Lejeune SFIO

Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2024): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: