
Fifth Republic

Mauroy III

From: 22/03/1983
To: 16/07/1984

Prime Minister Pierre Mauroy PS
Minister of Foreign Affairs Claude Cheysson PS
Minister of Interior and Decentralization Gaston Defferre PS
Minister of Finance and the Budget Jacques Delors PS
Minister of Justice Robert Badinter PS
Minister of Defence Charles Hernu PS
Minister of Social Affairs and National Solidarity Pierre Bérégovoy PS
Minister of National Education Alain Savary PS
Minister of Agriculture Michel Rocard PS
Minister of Transports Charles Fiterman PCF
Minister of Industry and Research Laurent Fabius PS
Minister of Foreign Trade and Tourism Édith Cresson PS
Minister of Trade and Crafts Michel Crépeau MRG
Minister of Planning and Housing Roger Quilliot PS
Minister of Professional Formation Marcel Rigout PCF
Delegate Minister of Culture Jack Lang PS
Delegate Minister of Leisure, Youth and Sports Edwige Avice PS
Delegate Minister of Women´s Rights Yvette Roudy PS
Delegate Minister of Relations with the Parliament André Labarrère PS
Delegate Minister of European Affairs André Chandernagor PS
Delegate Minister of Cooperation and Development Christian Nucci PS
Delegate Minister of Industry and Research Louis Mexandeau PS
Delegate Minister of Social Affairs and National Solidarity Jack Ralite PCF

Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2024): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: