
Fifth Republic

Rocard I

From: 10/05/1988
To: 12/06/1988

Prime Minister Michel Rocard PS
Minister of State and Minister of Foreign Affairs Roland Dumas PS
Minister of State and Minister of Economy, Finance and Budget Pierre Bérégovoy PS
Minister of State and Minister of National Education, Youth and Sports Lionel Jospin PS
Minister of State and Minister of Infrastructure and Housing Maurice Faure MRG
Minister of Interior Pierre Joxe PS
Minister of Justice Pierre Arpaillange INDEP.
Minister of Defence Jean-Pierre Chevènement PS
Minister of Social Affairs and Employment Michel Delebarre PS
Minister of Agriculture and Forestry Henri Nallet PS
Minister of Culture and Communication Jack Lang PS
Minister of Transports Louis Mermaz PS
Minister of Industry, Trade and Regional Planning Roger Fauroux INDEP.
Minister of Public Service and Administrative Reform Michel Durafour ADD
Minister of Posts, Telecommunications and Space Paul Quilès PS
Minister of Sea Louis Le Pensec PS
Minister of European Affairs Édith Cresson PS
Minister of Cooperation and Development Jacques Pelletier ADD
Minister of Relations with the Parliament Jean Poperen PS
Delegate Minister of Departments and Territories Overseas Oliver Stirn INDEP.
Delegate Minister of Research Hubert Curien INDEP.
Delegate Minister without Portfolio Edwige Avice PS
Delegate Minister of Spatial Planning and Retraining Jacques Chérèque INDEP.
Delegate Minister of Trade, Handcradts adn Tourism François Doubin MRG
Delegate Minister of Family, Women´s Rights, Solidarity and Returnees Georgina Dufoix PS
Delegate Minister of Health and Social Protection Claude Evin PS
Delegate Minister of Communication Catherine Tasca PS

Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: