Third Republic
Tardieu II
Prime Minister and Minister of Interior | André Tardieu | AD |
Minister of Foreign Affairs | Aristide Briand | RS |
Minister of Finance | Paul Raynaud | AD |
Minister of Justice | Raoul Péret | RI |
Minister of War | André Maginot | AD |
Minister of Marine | Jacques-Louis Dumesnil | PRRRS |
Minister of Air | Laurent Eynac | RI |
Minister of Labour and Social Welfare | Pierre Laval | INDEP. |
Minister of Public Instruction and Fine Arts | Pierre Marraud | PRRRS |
Minister of Public Health | Désiré Ferry | FR |
Minister of Agriculture | Fernand David | PRRRS |
Minister of Trade and Industry | Pierre-Étienne Flandin | AD |
Minister of Posts, Telegraphs and Telephones | André Mallarmé | RI |
Minister of Public Works | Georges Pernot | FR |
Minister of the Budget | Louis Germain-Martin | RI |
Minister of Colonies | François Piétri | AD |
Minister of Merchant Marine | Louis Rollin | AD |
Minister of Pensions | Auguste Champetier de Ribes | PDP |
Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: