
Third Republic


From: 12/12/1930
To: 22/01/1931

Prime Minister Théodore Steeg PRRRS
Minister of Foreign Affairs Aristide Briand RS
Minister of Interior Georges Leygues AD
Minister of National Economy, Trade and Industry Louis Loucher RI
Minister of Finance Louis Germain-Martin RI
Minister of Justice Henry Chéron AD
Minister of War Louis Barthou AD
Minister of Marine Albert Sarraut PRRRS
Minister of Air Paul Painlevé RS
Minister of Labour and Social Welfare Édouard Grinda AD
Minister of Public Instruction and Fine Arts Camille Chautemps PRRRS
Minister of Public Health Henri Queuille PRRRS
Minister of Agriculture Victor Boret RI
Minister of Posts, Telegraphs and Telephones Gerger Bonnet PRRRS
Minister of Public Works Édouard Daladier PRRRS
Minister of the Budget Maurice Palmade PRRRS
Minister of Merchant Marine Charles Daniélou RI
Minister of Pensions Rober Thoumyre AD

Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: