
Third Republic

Laval II

From: 14/01/1932
To: 06/02/1932

Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Pierre Laval INDEP.
Minister of Interior Pierre Cathala GSR
Minister of Finance Pierre-Étienne Flandin AD
Minister of Justice Léon Bérard AD
Minister of War André Tardieu AD
Minister of Marine Charles Dumont PRRRS
Minister of Air Jacques-Louis Dumesnil RI
Minister of Labour and Social Welfare Adolphe Landry RI
Minister of Public Instruction and Fine Arts Marius Roustan PRRRS
Minister of Public Health Camille Blaisot FR
Minister of Agriculture Achille-Armand Fould FR
Minister of Trade and Industry Louis Rollin AD
Minister of Posts, Telegraphs and Telephones Charles Guernier RI
Minister of the Budget Francois Piétri AD
Minister of Public Works Maurice Deligne RI
Minister of Colonies Paul Reynaud AD
Minister of Merchant Marine Louis de Chappedeleine RI
Minister of Pensions Champetier de Ribes PDP

Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: