
Third Republic

Daladier V

From: 13/09/1938
To: 13/09/1939

Prime Minister and Minister of National Defence and War Édouard Daladier PRRRS
Vice-Prime Minister Camille Chautemps PRRRS
Minister of Foreign Affairs Georges Bonnet PRRRS
Minister of Interior Albert Sarraut PRRRS
Minister of National Economy Raymond Patenôtre USR
Minister of Finance Paul Marchandeau PRRRS
Minister of Justice Paul Reynaud AD
Minister of Marine César Campinchi PRRRS
Minister of Air Guy La Chambre PRRRS
Minister of Labour Charles Pomaret USR
Minister of National Education Jean Zay PRRRS
Minister of Public Health Marc Rucart PRRRS
Minister of Agriculture Henri Queuille PRRRS
Minister of Trade Fernand Gentin PRRRS
Minister of Posts, Telegraphs and Telephones Alfred Jules-Julien PRRRS
Minister of Public Works Anatole de Monzie USR
Minister of Colonies Georges Mandel IR
Minister of Merchant Marine Louis de Chappedeleine RI
Minister of Veterans and Pensions René Basse INDEP.

Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: