
Kingdom of Spain (Restoration)

Silvela II

From: 06/12/1902
To: 19/07/1903

Prime Minister Francisco Silvela y de Le Vielleuze PLC
Minister of Foreign Affairs Buenaventura Abarzuza y Ferrer PLC
Minister of Interior Antonio Maura y Montaner PLC
Minister of Finance Raimundo Fernández Villaverde PLC
Minister of Justice Eduadro Dato y Iradier PLC
Minister of War Arsenio Linares Pombo PLC
Minister of Marine Joaquín Sánchez de Toca Calvo PLC
Minister of Public Instruction and Fine Arts Manuel Allendesalazar y Muñoz de Salazar PLC
Minister of Agriculture, Industry, Trade and Public Works Francisco Javier González de Castejón y Elío PLC

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