
First Republic

Granjo I

From: 19/07/1920
To: 21/10/1920

Prime Minister and Minister of Agriculture António Granjo PLR
Minister of Foreign Affairs Melo Barreto PRRN
Minister of Interior Felisberto Alves Pedrosa INDEP.
Minister of Finance Inocêncio Camacho PLR
Minister of Justice and Cults Artur Alberto Camacho Lopes Cardoso PRRN
Minister of War Helder Ribeiro PRRN
Minister of Marine Ricardo Pais Gomes PRRN
Minister of Labour Júlio Ernesto Lima Duque PLR
Minister of Public Instruction Júlio Dantas PRRN
Minister of Trade Francisco Gonçalves Velinho Correia INDEP.
Minister of Colonies Manuel Ferreira da Rocha PLR

Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: whogoverns.eu