
First Republic

Domingues dos Santos

From: 22/11/1924
To: 11/02/1925

Prime Minister and Minister of Interior and Marine José Domingues dos Santos PD
Minister of Foreign Affairs João de Barros INDEP.
Minister of Finance Manuel Gregório Pestana Jr PD
Minister of Justice and Cults Pedro Augusto Pereira de Castro PD
Minister of War Helder Armando dos Santos Ribeiro AR
Minister of Labour João de Deus Ramos INDEP.
Minister of Public Instruction Álvaro Abranches Ferrão PD
Minister of Agriculture Ezequiel de Campos PD
Minister of Trade and Communications Plínio Octávio de Sant'ana e Silva PD
Minister of Colonies Carlos Eugénio de Sousa Jr INDEP.

Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2024): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: whogoverns.eu