
Second Republic

"Small ministry" (technocratic)

From: 24/01/1851
To: 09/05/1851

Minister of Foreign Affairs Anatole Brénier de Renaudière -
Minister of Interior Claude-Marius Vaïsse -
Minister of Finance Charles Gabriel Le Bègue -
Minister of Justice Paul-Henri-Ernest de Royer Dupré -
Minister of War Jacques Louis César Alexandre -
Minister of Public Instruction and Cults Charles Joseph Barthélémy Giraud -
Minister of Agriculture and Commerce Joseph Eugène Schneider -
Minister of Public Works Pierre Magne -
Minister of the Sea and Colonies Auguste-Nicolas Vaillant -

Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: