
Third Republic

de Freycinet IV

From: 17/03/1890
To: 18/02/1892

Prime Minister and Minister of War Charles de Freycinet UDG
Minister of Foreign Affairs Alexandre Ribot UDG
Minister of Interior Jean Ernest Constans UDG
Minister of Finance Maurice Rouvier UDG
Minister of Justice Armand Fallières UDG
Minister of Marine Édouard Barbey UDG
Minister of Public Instruction and Fine Arts León Bourgeois R
Minister of Agriculture Jules Develle UDG
Minister of Trade, Industry and Colonies Jules Roche UDG
Minister of Public Works Yves Guyot RSOC

Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: