
Third Republic

Briand V (war cabinet)

From: 12/12/1916
To: 17/03/1917

Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Aristide Briand RS
Minister of Interior Louis Malvy PRRRS
Minister of Finance Alexandre Ribot PRD
Minister of Justice, Public Instruction and Fine Arts René Viviani RSD
Minister of War Hubert Lyautey INDEP.
Minister of Marine Lucien Lacaze INDEP.
Minister of Trade, Industry, Posts and Telegraphs Étienne Clémentel PRRRS
Minister of Public Works, Transport and Supply Édouard Herriot PRRRS
Minister of Colonies Gaston Doumergue PRRRS
Minister of Armaments and War Fabrications Albert Thomas SFIO

Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: