
Republic of Latvia (post-WWI)

Meierovics II

From: 20/07/1923
To: 14/10/1923

Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Zigfrīds Anna Meirovics LZS
Minister of Interior Alfreds Birznieks DC
Minister of Finance Hermanis Punga LSDSP
Minister of Justice Vilis Holcmanis ASDMPLS
Minister of War Jānis Ducens LZS
Minister of Labour Gustavs Klaustiŋš INDEP.
Minister of Education Staŋislavs Jaundzems LGDP
Minister of Agriculture Ernests Bauers LJS
Minister of Transport Jānis Pauļuks LZS

Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: