Gerhardsen III
Prime Minister | Einar Henry Gerhardsen | A |
Minister of Foreign Affairs | Halvard Lange | A |
Minister of Finance and Customs | Olav Meisdalshagen | A |
Minister of Justice and Police | Oscar Christian Gundersen | A |
Minister of Defence | Jens Christian Hauge | A |
Minister of Local Governent and Labour | Johan Urik Olsen | A |
Minister of Church and Education | Lars Magnus Moen | A |
Minister of Agriculture | Kristian Fjeld | A |
Minister of Transport and Communications | Nils Langhelle | A |
Minister of Industry and Craft | Lars Evensen | A |
Minister of Trade | Erik Brofoss | A |
Minister of Social Affairs | Aaslaug Aasland | A |
Minister of Fisheries | Reidar Carlsen | A |
Minister of Provisioning and Reconstruction | Nils Hønsvald | A |
Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2024): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: