
Republic of Latvia (post-WWI)

Celmins VII

From: 24/12/1930
To: 26/03/1931

Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Hugo Celmiŋš LZS
Minister of Interior Eduards Kārlis Osvalds Laimiŋš LZS
Minister of Finance Ansis Petrevics NA
Minister of Justice Juris Pabērzs PTA
Minister of War Mārtiŋš Vācietis INDEP.
Minister of Social Welfare Vladislavs Rubulis LGDZA
Minister of Education Edmunds Ziemelis LZS
Minister of Agriculture Vilis Gulbis LZS

Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: