
Willoch I

From: 13/10/1981
To: 06/06/1983

Prime Minister Kåre Isaachsen Willoch H
Minister of Foreign Affairs Svenn Thorkild Stray H
Minister of Finance and Customs Rolf Presthus H
Minister of Justice and Police Mona Røkke H
Minister of Defence Anders Christian Sjaastad H
Minister of Local Government and Labour Arne Rettedal H
Minister of Church and Education Tore Austad H
Minister of Agriculture Johan Christen Løken H
Minister of Transport and Communications Inger Koppernæs H
Minister of Industry Jens-Halvard Bratz H
Minister of Trade Arne Skauge H
Minister of Social Affairs Leif Arne Heløe H
Minister of Fisheries Thor Listau H
Minister of Government Administration and Consumer Affairs Astrid Gjertsen H
Minister of Environment Wenche Frogn Sellæg H
Minister of Petroleum and Energy Vidkunn Hveding H

Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: