Willoch II
Prime Minister | Kåre Isaachsen Willoch | H |
Minister of Foreign Affairs | Svenn Thorkild Stray | H |
Minister of Finance and Customs | Rolf Presthus | H |
Minister of Justice and Police | Mona Røkke | H |
Minister of Defence | Anders Christian Sjaastad | H |
Minister of Local Government and Labour | Arne Rettedal | H |
Minister of Church and Education | Kjell Magne Bondevik | KRF |
Minister of Agriculture | Finn Trond Isaksen | SP |
Minister of Culture and Research | Lars Roar Langslet | H |
Minister of Transport and Communications | Johan Jakob Jacobsen | SP |
Minister of Industry | Jens-Halvard Bratz | H |
Minister of Trade and Shipping | Asbjørn Haugstvedt | KRF |
Minister of Social Affairs | Leif Arne Heløe | H |
Minister of Fisheries | Thor Listau | H |
Minister of Government Administration and Consumer Affairs | Astrid Gjertsen | H |
Minister of Environment | Rakel Surlien | SP |
Minister of Petroleum and Energy | Kåre Kristiansen | KRF |
Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: