
Erlander I

From: 11/10/1946
To: 19/09/1948

Prime Minister Tage Erlander SAP
Minister of Foreign Affairs Östen Undén SAP
Minister of Finance Ernst Wigforss SAP
Minister of Justice Herman Zetterberg SAP
Minister of Defence Allan Vougt SAP
Minister of Social Welfare Gustav Möller SAP
Minister of Education Josef Weijne SAP
Minister of Agriculture Per Edvin Sköld SAP
Minister of Trade Gunnar Myrdal SAP
Minister of Communications Torsten Nilsson SAP
People's Economy Minister Axel Gjöres SAP
Consultative Minister Nils Quensel INDEP.
Consultative Minister Gunnar Danielsson INDEP.
Consultative Minister Eije Mossberg SAP
Consultative Minister John Ericsson SAP
Consultative Minister Gunnar Sträng SAP

Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: whogoverns.eu