
Erlander VI

From: 31/10/1957
To: 01/06/1958

Prime Minister Tage Erlander SAP
Minister of Foreign Affairs Östen Undén SAP
Minister of Interior Rune Bernhard Johansson SAP
Minister of Finance Gunnar Sträng SAP
Minister of Justice Ingvar Lindell SAP
Minister of Defence Sven Andersson SAP
Minister of Social Welfare Torsten Nilsson SAP
Minister of Education Ragnar Edenman SAP
Minister of Agriculture Gösta Netzén SAP
Minister of Trade Gunnar Lange SAP
Minister of Communications Gösta Skoglund SAP
Minister of Public Administration Sigurd Lindholm SAP
Consultative Minister Herman Kling SAP
Consultative Minister Björn Kjellin INDEP.
Consultative Minister Ulla Lindström SAP

Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: whogoverns.eu