Erlander VIII
Prime Minister | Tage Erlander | SAP |
Minister of Foreign Affairs | Östen Undén | SAP |
Minister of Interior | Rune Bernhard Johansson | SAP |
Minister of Finance | Gunnar Sträng | SAP |
Minister of Justice | Herman Kling | SAP |
Minister of Defence | Sven Andersson | SAP |
Minister of Social Welfare | Torsten Nilsson | SAP |
Minister of Education | Ragnar Edenman | SAP |
Minister of Agriculture | Gösta Netzén | SAP |
Minister of Trade | Gunnar Lange | SAP |
Minister of Communications | Gösta Skoglund | SAP |
Minister of Public Administration | Sigurd Lindholm | SAP |
Consultative Minister | Ulla Lindström | SAP |
Consultative Minister | Carl Henrik Nodrlander | INDEP. |
Consultative Minister | Sven af Geijerstam | SAP |
Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: whogoverns.eu